Learning Communities

At Colorado State University

Student on CSU campus

Why Choose a Learning Community?

Learning Communities bring cohorts of students together with structured integration of curricular (co-enrollment in classes) and co-curricular learning in order to provide a supportive, academically-focused environment that cultivates a sense of community and empowers students to become engaged citizens on campus and in the community.

Learning Communities

First Year
Part of the College of Agricultural Science (CAS), students learn in a 2-credit seminar focused on philosophy and history of agriculture as well as case study exploration in agricultural leadership practices.
First Year
Biomedical Sciences and Neuroscience undergraduate students come together to cultivate an inclusive community of scientists committed to improving the health of animals, people, and the planet.
First Year
Located in Pinon Hall, Laurel Village, students with College of Natural Sciences majors live, learn, and grow together in Amplify. Through our residential and academic experiences, our students come together in a community that amplifies their individual voices.
First Year
Located in Academic Village and Edwards Hall, residents of this community can take advantage of academic assistance, mentorship, events, student organization meetings, and tutoring.
Health & Exercise Sciene
First Year
In the Health & Exercise Science (HES) Residential Learning Community, you will live with other students who are taking the same courses, have similar career goals, and with students that are often vested in living active and healthy lifestyles.
University Honors Program
First Year
The Honors Residential Learning Community (HRLC) offers incoming Honors students an opportunity to connect with the Honors program and live with students who share their interests.
Key Communities
First Year
Continuing Students
The Key Communities are learning communities for first year, second year, and continuing students designed to honor the strengths of each student to foster student’s transition to and through the University.
Outdoor Leadership
First Year
Part of the Warner College of Natural Resources’ learning communities, students learn in a NR 192 seminar focused on philosophy and history of natural resources as well as case study exploration in outdoor leadership practices.
Sustainability Leadership
First Year
Part of the Warner College of Natural Resources’ learning communities, students learn in a NR 192 seminar focused on sustainability philosophy and practice connected to natural resources as well as the environment, economics, and social equity.

Residential Communities

Living Substance Free Community
First Year
Continuing Students
The Living Substance Free Community in Corbett Hall is a community for students who are committed to a lifestyle free from alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.

Program Benefits

Students who participate in learning communities:

Tend to do better academically

Tend to continue on to their sophomore year at higher rates

Benefit from being part of a diverse community

Feel more connected to their college and/or academic program

Report being satisfied with their overall academic experience at CSU and in the learning community

Are highly involved on campus and in the community

Form great, lifelong friendships

Share that being in a learning community helps with their academic and social transition to college

Find that it is a comfortable and supportive learning environment